Kingdom Vision

Kingdom Vision Reports

27 July - Islam and the Coming Great Revival

There are increasing signs from the Islamic world of a thriving and growing underground church. There are reasons why Islamic civilization is struggling and people are searching for alternatives.


20 July - Signs of the Times: The Inevitability of Peace on Earth

Contrary to “Apocalypse Now” theology I want to give you encouraging information of the underlying signs of the times. God’s Kingdom agenda is moving forward. There is major shift in world power dynamics. Nations want to trade, not fight.


13 July - Quantum String Theory and the Prince of the Power of the Air

Why is Satan “the prince of the power of the “air” and what does that tell us about occult power and meeting the Lord in the “air”. Modern string theory in physics has some interesting clues.


6 July - Who are the UFO Occupants? The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis

The latest in the UFO disclosure saga: Harvard academics recently released an academic study on who could be inside the UFO’s and where could they be coming from. Likely scenario? From inside the earth and the moon. Here is a prophetic perspective on the emerging deception.


29 June - The Arc of Prophetic History Bends to Peace on Earth

End times apocalyptic prophesies are once again proliferating as Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan push the nations to big power military confrontation. Ignored however is God's plan for peace on earth and nations will learn war no more.


22 June - Technology for Africa Monastery Vision of Kingdom Nation Building

What the early church did to create European Christian Civilization we can do in 21st century Africa with all the new technology: Starlink satellite connections, Fintech, Khan Academy schooling, AI, PV community electricity. Is. 11:9 “The earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord.


15 June - St Patrick, Ireland and Creating Western Civilization

Thomas Cahill wrote the international best seller "How the Irish Saved Civilization". I greatly enjoyed the book, but he was very wrong. St. Patrick did not "save civilization." He and his fellow monks created Western Civilization. A lesson for the Church in Africa.


8 June - “Ora Et Labora” : The Benedict Option for the Church in South Africa

After the fall of the Roman Empire the world entered into a “Dark Ages”. Out of that collapse St. Benedict laid the foundation for Western Civilization with a monastery movement preaching “Ora et Labora” – Work and Prayer. As the Dark Ages spreads in Southern Africa it is time for the Church to remember its roots.


1 June - SA Elections, the Church and the Long Term Strategy

The political and economic landscape both here in South Africa as well as the rest of the world is fracturing. Economic and political power structures are crumbling leaving room for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. We need a theology and structure for discipling a nation.


25 May - Ekklesia and the Birthright Inheritance

The confusion in the Evangelical Church: Who has received the Birthright Inheritance from Abraham and Jacob: The Church or National Israel. Who will heal the nations and bless all the people of the earth?

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