Kingdom Vision Reports |
On December 16 President Ramaphosa announced that in 2025 “a national dialogue would be convened” to discuss the future of the nation. What will be the contribution of the church. Here a lesson from Emperor Constantine on how to be a prophetic visionary for a nation.
I want to introduce you to the next great move of God for the “post end times” ahead. The calling of the Jubilee Cycle as a dominion strategy to win Southern Africa for the Kingdom of God…and creating an ark of safety for the trouble ahead.
I wish to proclaim 2025 a prophetic call for Luke 4:18-19. “….to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” 2024 was the end of 70 Jubilee cycles since Israel crossed into the Promised Land. 2025 is our crossing over to inherit Southern Africa.
God’s Kingdom Agenda launched on Christmas of 2 BC has been progressing for 2000 years. By Christmas of 2024 we can report that agenda is moving on all fronts all over the world.
I want to contrast the approach Russia and America takes to the Satanic Temple, Homosexuality and Pornography. This will help to introduce some thoughts on how we can address the issue of Southern Africa as a future Christian Civilizational State.
I want to give you a template in the Old Testament to help understand God’s strategy of discipling the nations – which I believe is the era we as a church are now in. And especially now needed as the disaster and tragedy of what is unfolding for millions in the Middle East.
The Church in Southern Africa needs to develop it’s own climate/ecology policy for our region in accordance with God’s plan for planet earth. And that means long term generational planning that protects and enhances our land, sea, air, plants and animals for generations to come.
Since God created the earth and we are commanded to care for it and be productive and since the Church the family of God will inherit the earth….we need to have a say on the issue of climate change. Here are some guidelines to help frame the debate.
There is a difference between believing in God and believing God. The Church needs to fight for a Christian Civilization that believes God. The American Declaration of Independence of 4th July 1776 can help us with some foundation truths.
I am going to make a case for you which will get a strong resistance from a lot of evangelicals. It is this: Over time world conditions for human flourishing is dramatically improving and this is an important part of God’s prophetic plan for the ages.