Kingdom Vision

The King and His Kingdom

Here are my articles on why I believe we are now in the Kingdom Age and my ideas of how the Kingdom of God is structured in the heavens and on earth and how it operates on each realm and what God's eternal purposes are for His various Kingdom structures.

The Kingdom has Come: Jesus is Now Lord

This is not the end times. We are now in the Kingdom Age. Jesus is Lord now not one day in a 1000 year Kingdom. Kingdom now or Kingdom postponed? This is what scripture says....

The Church is the Kingdom of God on Earth...not the Jews

Christian Zionism is pervasive in the evangelical church around the world. This false doctrine of dual covenentalism is a strrategic dead end for the church and will end tragically.

The Alpha and Omega of the Kingdom of God

We need a new vision of the vast time and space that the Lord has given His Church to have dominion over. The 21st Century Church is faced with billions of galaxies and ages of time to fulfill God's dominion mandate to us. It is time to dream and plan for new heavens and new earths!

The Dominion Mandate

Our first job given by the Lord to all mankind is found in Genesis 1:26-28. We are to be fruitful, replenish the earth, subdue the earth and have dominion over all the works of God's hand. Adam failed in this task...but Christ as the second Adam has restored our ability to get on with the job of dominion over all the works of the Lord.

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